We have leagues and tournaments for teams of all ability levels.
Email clark@recsportsonline.com
3 on 3 Basketball Leagues Start Monday, February 4
- Games are played at Grace Christian University in Wyoming
- Different Ability Levels
Indoor Volleyball 4's Double Header Leagues Start February 25
- Monday Coed 4's B Starts March 10
- Tuesday Coed 4's A/B Starts March 4
- Wednesday Coed 4's A/B Starts March 12
- Thursday Coed 4's A and A/B Starts March 20
- $304 if paid 25 days early $328 if paid 15 days early, $348 regular price
- Games are played at New Branches Academy in Kentwood ($25,000 court improvement)
Softball Leagues Start April 21: Teams can start until Mid-June: Teams can choose 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, or 32 games over the 16-week season.
- Monday Men's Intermediate Coed Inter to Above Avg
- Tuesday Men's Lower Rec & Inter Coed Rec & Intermediate
- Wednesday Men's Inter & Above Avg. Coed Rec & Intermediate
- Thursday Men's Rec & Intermediate
Beach Volleyball 4's Double Header Leagues April 21, 2025
- Monday Coed 4's A, A/B, and B
- Tuesday Coed 4's B, B/C, and C
- Wednesday Women's 4's A, B, and C
- Thursday Coed 4's A, A/B, and B/C
Individual Player Sign Ups:
Indoor Volleyball: $85 for 36 games
Basketball: $94 for 24 games
Softball: $135 for 18 games (Includes umpire fees). We can get groups of players on the same team.
Beach Volleyball: $85 per player for 48 games (8 weeks). Let us know nights you're available and ability level.
Payment Options
- Download the Cash App on your phone and send payment by debit card to clark@recsportsonline.com
- Download the Venmo app on your phone and send payment to @Clark-VerHulst; last four of phone is 2255
Rec Sports is on Facebook:
Join the sofball, volleyball, and basketball groups to get the latest information on cancellations, schedule updates, and registration deadlines.
Twitter @recsportsonline Click on the Twitter icon located on the top left of each page to follow us.
Take pictures and share them with us on the Rec Sports Softball. Volleyball, or Basketball pages or at www.facebook.com/recsports
Cancellation Info:
Is posted on the website at 4:45 during the softball and beach volleyball seasons. Please refresh your computer for updates.