Build your own team!
If you are
willing to make a few phone calls, you can find a few players or form
your own team. Individual players can sign up on our website.
Go to
1. On the Red Bar to the left click on Need a Team/Player.
2. On the top of the next screen click on the link View Players Looking For A Team.
3. Scroll through the list
The individual
players are generally good players because they are willing to play with
people they don’t even know. These players are usually very willing to
pay their share of the entry fee.
Recommendation: You
can use our fields for a free practice on a Saturday or Sunday. Invite
a number of players and then choose which players are the best fit for
your team.
Softball: George VanderHyde is a great contact. He can be called at 887-7659 or email him at
George runs Softball Scrambles on Saturday’s in April, May and in the
fall. Softball Scrambles cost $10 for 3 games of softball. It’s a
great way to meet players.
Volleyball: Kim
Nesky is a great contact. Kim runs our indoor program and she
supervises in our outdoor program. She knows a lot of volleyball
players and may be able to help you network. Kim’s email is